Friday, May 15, 2009

i need 30 blogs, lol i never thought it'd be so hard to find nothing to tlk bout ..... the secret life's new season starts in june ... canot wait, i started watching it since season one cuz for some reason i thought it was a movie on abc family .... when i found out it wasnt i had to keep watching to find out what happens ... now we're up to season three and for those of u who watch ... amy had her baby and now her life from now on is up in the air .... who knows if her and ricky will possibly hook up or if she'll stay with ben .... and i hope amy's rents get back together

retarted i know that im into a show bout a 15 yr old getting pregnant but o well =)
hmm what to tlk bout .... i hope the weather for at least monday and tuesday is nice .... im so tired of the rain .... makes me feel all droopy like .... im nervous bout my bio 120 class this summer ... so much pressure rides on this class, not only is it a compacted class b/c its two months instead of four, but i have to get an A on it if i want to get into the nursing program .... i mean, the class is supposed to b hard in general .... im glad its the only class im taking this summer cuz it seems like a lot to handle .... and it has labs ... not so sure i'll know how to do those ... i havent taken an actual bio class in ages ..... man i feel OLD!
so i got a b- on my research paper .... much better than a c .... o well semesters over .... all i got left to do is m y five paragraph essay .... piece o cake .... well its 530 and i still have tons of cleaning to do before tomorrow morning when my dad arrives .... btw if you ever decide to put the automatic self clean on your overn (if it has that option) be prepared for a smoky stinky house ....... for bout 3 hours ... ugh!
just took the mechanical part of my english final ... now all i have left to do before im officially done with it all is take my psych final and do the five paragraph essay for english .... all of which should be pretty easy ..... i'll be so happy when its all over with!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cleaning .......?

so ive been cleaning all night ... its 11 freakin 30 ... who cleans at 1130 at night? im trying to get all my studying n finals done alonh with thoroughly cleaning my entire house by saturday that way its nice n puurrttty when my dad comes to visit ... but cleaning past dark? not kewl! my friggin back hurts ... im 22 yrs old n my back hurts?!? pathetic ....


super stressed out cuz my research paper keeps coming out wrong n i have tons of other shit to finish before saturday .... annoyed with the fact that i feel like theres tons of shit on my mind ......... i wanna have a day where i dont have to worry bout anything

Zoey's Groom ....

im getting ready to take my dog to bolivar to be groomed .... very exciting, shes been needing it for quite some time ... her nails r super long n you cant even see her eyes anymore... lol

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

2 down, 2 to go

so i took two finals today .... sociology and math n i think both of them went pretty well ... i still have to take my english final at some point this week and friday i have my psychology final .... both which should be fairly easy .... then i will be done and i'll have bout two weeks off before i start my summer bio 120 class (which is gunna bite btw) ....

apparently theres some severe thunderstorms headed this way ... hope its not gunna turn into a tornado warning considering im from NY and all n its my biggest fear =//

Down to Adam and Kris ....

so danny got eliminated from American Idol ..... didnt think it was gong to happen, i def. thought the final would be down to kris and adam ..... even though im going to watch the finale next week ... theres no question as to who's gunna win ... obviously adam ... but i still think danny's gunna b famous and make a lot of good music

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Braydens growing up so quick ...

gosh within the last week he has started crawling and even pulling himself up to stuff while laying on his knees ..... its so cute ..... i cant believe soon he'll be one and walking .... so funny and cute ..... he's also so tall for his age ... he doesnt fit into his car seat anymore, his legs come out hahaaaa .... gosh i should really start video taping him so i can never forget every month he gets older

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

One day it'll all be over .....

im still new at this whole end of the semester finals thing ... with brayden n house chores n my dad visiting n passing all my classes with a B or higher i tend to have tons to do .... but once the 16th comes ill b a free women .... no stress for bout two weeks and then i start my bio 120 class ... ugh

Monday, May 4, 2009


so i think we're supposed to have 30 posts in this blogger thing to get points b4 the semesters up ..... im not sure but i only remember to do it a great once n a while with all the other things running through my head .... so glad this semesters bout 2 weeks from being done but i have a crap load of studying to get done by then for finals ... also my step dads coming up to visit the weekend after finals which also makes things stressfull b/c im trying to get my house ready n all neat looking so he'll be super impressed when he comes up (this will be the first time he'll see the new duplex) .... so i would stay and type some more but as u can read im super busy ;-)

Monday, April 27, 2009


have the weirdest craving for something sweet ... dont care if its brownies or hot fudge sunday or apple pie ... will prolly have to resort to my chocolate ice cream with sprinkles .... not a bad resort ... kinda like craving steak n eating hamburgers but o well

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Frenemies ......

its so frustrating when u have friends that u think u can trust n then they go n screw u over .... especially when another guy gets involved ... im so done with it ... ive realized that id rather have no friends at all then shitty ones .... i feel like im getting to old for the whole he said she said scene .... too much shit happens in life to hold grudges n sweat the small stuff .... people never realize how pissed they'd be if they knew they were going to die tomorrow n instead of cherishing moments n enjoying life they spent it bitching bout someone else ..... i tend to ignore ignorant people n it works well .. someone wise once told me that if u dont respond to the childish drama then it will stop b/c thats all they're feeding off of ...... no repsonse=nothing to continue with

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

American Idol

ok so i admit it, im a fan of american idol and i never understand paula abdul ... she has a major stuttering problem n im pretty sure shes on crack .... does she really think its necessary to use big words she can barely pronounce? just stick to the small words sweety ..... its like a headache just to get through one of her judgements ... supposedly they're gunna get rid of one of the girl judges next season ... please vote her the f off!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Long time no post ...

i feel like ive been so busy lately i totally forgot bout posting blogs .... its coming down to the nitty gritty school wise n im kinda scared bout finals n such ... all i know is that ill be happy when its all over n i can take a lil break before another round of summer classes ..... and then applying for the nursing program ... ahh! so nerve racking .... on a good note my step dad n dad both intend on coming to visit me over the summer ..... not together obviously lol but it should be fun, my step dad will actually be here in bout a month! cant wait

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Last day of spring break .....

well its over ... another month and a half of school before any sign of some time off ..... im impressed that i made it this far without quiting .... and for the most part im pulling straight A's ... finals always scare me though so we'll see how that goes ... my step dad plans on visiting when this semesters over and i cant wait ... i havent seen him since brayden was born ... even though i didnt go anywhere for srping break i had a pretty good time ... it turned into a party almost every night here but everyone had fun and we met a lot of new people .... and we played lots of beer pong which i havent played in ages .... unfortunately ive become a light weight lol .... o well, i hope this rest of this semester goes as well as the first half and i cant wait for the spring/summer weather to come!!!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Parents ....

so i had huge well thought out plans to go to NYC this spring break and see my dad and family ..... but my dad thinks that two weeks notice isnt enough time and that he wants me to wait .. even though i told him if i didnt come now the next chance i would have to come would prolly be a year from now .... frigging pisses me off ... all he does is bitch and moan asking when he'll get to see me and his grandson blah blah blah and when the opportunity comes for us to actually come for a few days and visit he doesnt think its such a good idea .... i will never understand parents ... so i guess instead we're gunna take a lil trip to st louis ... which compared to NYC doesnt really sound too appealing but it'll have to do!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mid-term grades ...

well its about midterm time which means im about half way through my first semester .... at the beginning of the year i had the goal to makes all A's in my classes and right now thats true for one of my classes .... the rest im pulling closer to B- which is ok for the average student but im trying to get into nursing school so i might need to put a tad more effort in than i have been already .... although usually being a C student im pretty impressed with what ive done so far i just need to wow the people who decide if you get into nursing school or not .... the pressures on! im glad spring breaks coming up so i can take a little breather from school work but after that ill be buried in books till summer time!! =(

Friday, February 20, 2009

The Skinny Improv ...

so i went to the skinny improv last night ... first time ive ever been and it was free n they were giving out prizes so i thought what the hell .... it was pretty funny, although my husband claims they can be a lot funnier i actually enjoyed it ... or maybe i just enjoyed the fact that my gma had baby sat brayden for a bit and it was so nice to have a break! it seems lately since we became parents that we dont get much down time ... but i guess thats all a part of growing up ... change of subject .. i really want the weather to warm up ... it just puts you in a better mood i think ... plus i love the summer weather b/c peaches and nectarines are in season and if you couldnt tell by my profile name ... they're my fav. fruit! ok i think thats good enough talk bout nothing .... =)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Spring break ...

so i have no idea what i wanna do for spring break ... my dad lives in brooklyn new york and insists i come there to see the family ... he hasnt even got to see brayden yet and he said he'd pay for the trip .... idk ... i hate flying and once i got there id wanna be able to rent a car or something so i could possibly go upstate where i am from and re-visit my old neighborhood .... then again it would be nice to go somewhere warm and beach-like like virginia beach ... who knows? maybe ill just end up staying here

Monday, February 9, 2009

And the grammy goes to ....

so i watched the grammys last night .... mainly b/c i like to see what they wear .... the coldplay performance was sweet! especially when jay z came up on stage outta nowhere but id have to say the best part of the entire night was when blink 182 came up on stage to present an award and then announced that they are getting back together! sweet!!!! im thinking maybe the whole fatal accident travis got into made the band realize that they should be together .... they have such good chemistry as a band and made such awesome songs ... i cant wait to hear the new album!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Due date .....

so i have an official due date for my second baby! sept 27th ... i am super excited n am getting my hopes up for a girl .... i can do without the nausea though ... i can smell everything! yuckie ... anyways the weekends coming up n im looking forward to having some friends come visit that i havent seen in a while ... thats pretty much it. i took a psychology test today that went a lot better than i thought it would and so far in all my classes i have A's so im super proud of myself .... going back to school after not being in for so long is very hard. today was pretty warm out for a change ... i listened to one of my older mixed cds with songs on it from halifax, the starting line, less than jake and more bands like that n it reminded me of summers ago when i was still as teen n life seemed a lot less stressfull .... sometimes i miss the old days when there were no worries and everybody was just chill

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Money ....

so i keep on forgetting to blog ... most likely b/c lately i feel like i dont get a free second to breathe .... but o well ... tax time is a comin' n i get moola for having a baby! woo woo super nice .. fortunately my father is an accountant so hopefully he can pull as much money as humanly possible ... it'd b so nice to have a big chunk of change ... i feel so poor lately but im assuming many people do due to the piss poor economy, hopefully obama can fix all that n bring the troops home!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

The dreaded morning shift ...

getting up on your own all night long with a baby can be very tiring so my husband and i make it to where we switch shiftas every other night ... the night shift usually runs till about 4 or 5 depending on what time we went to sleep but since Brayden likes to get up around 8 every morning the morning shift sux a whole lot more ... i had the morning shift this morning and other then the occasional wake up for a lost binky or bottle he is still asleep .... and i did make sure he was still breathing ... so i guess im just lucky today ;-)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

To be or not to be .....

this is my 2nd attempt on going back to school ... i was enrolled in a community college back in NY right after i got outta highschool but i kinda got sidetracked ... even a year ago i attempted on going back right here at good ole otc but i guess even then i wasnt serious enough bout the whole college education ... but i guess my motivation now is cause of recent changes on my life ... i have recently had a baby boy named brayden .. who is coming up on 6 months and my husband and i think we might be pregnant again =) i want to pursue the whole nursing bit but am scared to death b/c i havent always been the most persistent kind of person ... i usually up n quit or run away when theres a asign of something being to difficult .. hopefully with my change in circumstances that just wont happen this time ...