Friday, February 20, 2009

The Skinny Improv ...

so i went to the skinny improv last night ... first time ive ever been and it was free n they were giving out prizes so i thought what the hell .... it was pretty funny, although my husband claims they can be a lot funnier i actually enjoyed it ... or maybe i just enjoyed the fact that my gma had baby sat brayden for a bit and it was so nice to have a break! it seems lately since we became parents that we dont get much down time ... but i guess thats all a part of growing up ... change of subject .. i really want the weather to warm up ... it just puts you in a better mood i think ... plus i love the summer weather b/c peaches and nectarines are in season and if you couldnt tell by my profile name ... they're my fav. fruit! ok i think thats good enough talk bout nothing .... =)

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