Friday, February 20, 2009

The Skinny Improv ...

so i went to the skinny improv last night ... first time ive ever been and it was free n they were giving out prizes so i thought what the hell .... it was pretty funny, although my husband claims they can be a lot funnier i actually enjoyed it ... or maybe i just enjoyed the fact that my gma had baby sat brayden for a bit and it was so nice to have a break! it seems lately since we became parents that we dont get much down time ... but i guess thats all a part of growing up ... change of subject .. i really want the weather to warm up ... it just puts you in a better mood i think ... plus i love the summer weather b/c peaches and nectarines are in season and if you couldnt tell by my profile name ... they're my fav. fruit! ok i think thats good enough talk bout nothing .... =)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Spring break ...

so i have no idea what i wanna do for spring break ... my dad lives in brooklyn new york and insists i come there to see the family ... he hasnt even got to see brayden yet and he said he'd pay for the trip .... idk ... i hate flying and once i got there id wanna be able to rent a car or something so i could possibly go upstate where i am from and re-visit my old neighborhood .... then again it would be nice to go somewhere warm and beach-like like virginia beach ... who knows? maybe ill just end up staying here

Monday, February 9, 2009

And the grammy goes to ....

so i watched the grammys last night .... mainly b/c i like to see what they wear .... the coldplay performance was sweet! especially when jay z came up on stage outta nowhere but id have to say the best part of the entire night was when blink 182 came up on stage to present an award and then announced that they are getting back together! sweet!!!! im thinking maybe the whole fatal accident travis got into made the band realize that they should be together .... they have such good chemistry as a band and made such awesome songs ... i cant wait to hear the new album!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Due date .....

so i have an official due date for my second baby! sept 27th ... i am super excited n am getting my hopes up for a girl .... i can do without the nausea though ... i can smell everything! yuckie ... anyways the weekends coming up n im looking forward to having some friends come visit that i havent seen in a while ... thats pretty much it. i took a psychology test today that went a lot better than i thought it would and so far in all my classes i have A's so im super proud of myself .... going back to school after not being in for so long is very hard. today was pretty warm out for a change ... i listened to one of my older mixed cds with songs on it from halifax, the starting line, less than jake and more bands like that n it reminded me of summers ago when i was still as teen n life seemed a lot less stressfull .... sometimes i miss the old days when there were no worries and everybody was just chill

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Money ....

so i keep on forgetting to blog ... most likely b/c lately i feel like i dont get a free second to breathe .... but o well ... tax time is a comin' n i get moola for having a baby! woo woo super nice .. fortunately my father is an accountant so hopefully he can pull as much money as humanly possible ... it'd b so nice to have a big chunk of change ... i feel so poor lately but im assuming many people do due to the piss poor economy, hopefully obama can fix all that n bring the troops home!