Saturday, January 24, 2009

The dreaded morning shift ...

getting up on your own all night long with a baby can be very tiring so my husband and i make it to where we switch shiftas every other night ... the night shift usually runs till about 4 or 5 depending on what time we went to sleep but since Brayden likes to get up around 8 every morning the morning shift sux a whole lot more ... i had the morning shift this morning and other then the occasional wake up for a lost binky or bottle he is still asleep .... and i did make sure he was still breathing ... so i guess im just lucky today ;-)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

To be or not to be .....

this is my 2nd attempt on going back to school ... i was enrolled in a community college back in NY right after i got outta highschool but i kinda got sidetracked ... even a year ago i attempted on going back right here at good ole otc but i guess even then i wasnt serious enough bout the whole college education ... but i guess my motivation now is cause of recent changes on my life ... i have recently had a baby boy named brayden .. who is coming up on 6 months and my husband and i think we might be pregnant again =) i want to pursue the whole nursing bit but am scared to death b/c i havent always been the most persistent kind of person ... i usually up n quit or run away when theres a asign of something being to difficult .. hopefully with my change in circumstances that just wont happen this time ...