Monday, April 27, 2009


have the weirdest craving for something sweet ... dont care if its brownies or hot fudge sunday or apple pie ... will prolly have to resort to my chocolate ice cream with sprinkles .... not a bad resort ... kinda like craving steak n eating hamburgers but o well

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Frenemies ......

its so frustrating when u have friends that u think u can trust n then they go n screw u over .... especially when another guy gets involved ... im so done with it ... ive realized that id rather have no friends at all then shitty ones .... i feel like im getting to old for the whole he said she said scene .... too much shit happens in life to hold grudges n sweat the small stuff .... people never realize how pissed they'd be if they knew they were going to die tomorrow n instead of cherishing moments n enjoying life they spent it bitching bout someone else ..... i tend to ignore ignorant people n it works well .. someone wise once told me that if u dont respond to the childish drama then it will stop b/c thats all they're feeding off of ...... no repsonse=nothing to continue with

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

American Idol

ok so i admit it, im a fan of american idol and i never understand paula abdul ... she has a major stuttering problem n im pretty sure shes on crack .... does she really think its necessary to use big words she can barely pronounce? just stick to the small words sweety ..... its like a headache just to get through one of her judgements ... supposedly they're gunna get rid of one of the girl judges next season ... please vote her the f off!!

Friday, April 17, 2009

Long time no post ...

i feel like ive been so busy lately i totally forgot bout posting blogs .... its coming down to the nitty gritty school wise n im kinda scared bout finals n such ... all i know is that ill be happy when its all over n i can take a lil break before another round of summer classes ..... and then applying for the nursing program ... ahh! so nerve racking .... on a good note my step dad n dad both intend on coming to visit me over the summer ..... not together obviously lol but it should be fun, my step dad will actually be here in bout a month! cant wait