Friday, May 15, 2009

i need 30 blogs, lol i never thought it'd be so hard to find nothing to tlk bout ..... the secret life's new season starts in june ... canot wait, i started watching it since season one cuz for some reason i thought it was a movie on abc family .... when i found out it wasnt i had to keep watching to find out what happens ... now we're up to season three and for those of u who watch ... amy had her baby and now her life from now on is up in the air .... who knows if her and ricky will possibly hook up or if she'll stay with ben .... and i hope amy's rents get back together

retarted i know that im into a show bout a 15 yr old getting pregnant but o well =)
hmm what to tlk bout .... i hope the weather for at least monday and tuesday is nice .... im so tired of the rain .... makes me feel all droopy like .... im nervous bout my bio 120 class this summer ... so much pressure rides on this class, not only is it a compacted class b/c its two months instead of four, but i have to get an A on it if i want to get into the nursing program .... i mean, the class is supposed to b hard in general .... im glad its the only class im taking this summer cuz it seems like a lot to handle .... and it has labs ... not so sure i'll know how to do those ... i havent taken an actual bio class in ages ..... man i feel OLD!
so i got a b- on my research paper .... much better than a c .... o well semesters over .... all i got left to do is m y five paragraph essay .... piece o cake .... well its 530 and i still have tons of cleaning to do before tomorrow morning when my dad arrives .... btw if you ever decide to put the automatic self clean on your overn (if it has that option) be prepared for a smoky stinky house ....... for bout 3 hours ... ugh!
just took the mechanical part of my english final ... now all i have left to do before im officially done with it all is take my psych final and do the five paragraph essay for english .... all of which should be pretty easy ..... i'll be so happy when its all over with!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Cleaning .......?

so ive been cleaning all night ... its 11 freakin 30 ... who cleans at 1130 at night? im trying to get all my studying n finals done alonh with thoroughly cleaning my entire house by saturday that way its nice n puurrttty when my dad comes to visit ... but cleaning past dark? not kewl! my friggin back hurts ... im 22 yrs old n my back hurts?!? pathetic ....


super stressed out cuz my research paper keeps coming out wrong n i have tons of other shit to finish before saturday .... annoyed with the fact that i feel like theres tons of shit on my mind ......... i wanna have a day where i dont have to worry bout anything

Zoey's Groom ....

im getting ready to take my dog to bolivar to be groomed .... very exciting, shes been needing it for quite some time ... her nails r super long n you cant even see her eyes anymore... lol